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Customized Intervention Sessions

Each class is designed to create camaraderie with other Flow students on their journey to well-being. Each class has been scientifically tested and is spiritually sound in presentation and results to create the necessary momentum to your overall well-being and health.

Accelerated class (for people that desire to elevate their current fitness to the next level).

This class is the most intense of all the classes, it is ideal for athletes or anyone seeking to improve their performance in sports and or hobbies.

Lymphedema Flow

This class creates proper balance and flow of the lymphatic drainage system that acts as your waste disposal system of the body. This class is designed to activate strategic muscle groups and postures through a systemic approach to decrease swelling, improve the body’s waste disposal and assist in weight loss.

9-5 Flow (pre work or after work relief)

This class is designed to reverse the effects of job related pain from overuse of extremities, poor posture, and declining strength. This class can be done before work to shield your body from the ill effects from you job or after a rough day at work to make you more centered.


This class introduces mindfulness, coping and calming strategies needed in ADHD population and promotes increased strength, balance and self esteem that is vital for childhood development.


This class addresses the common disorders, conditions and pathologies associated with this population: Declining posture, arthritis, declining balance, generalized pain and declining self efficacy.

General Wellness

This class addresses all areas of strength, balance, coordination and health.

Depression, PTSD,  Anxiety, & Chronic Pain   

creates a reconnection with yourself and empower you through healing breath work/techniques, Yin yoga (prolonged postural poses/stretches), Power Pilates, Balance and guided visualizations and/or meditation to improve and increase your inner and physical strength.

These classes have be custom created for a variety of specific conditions, which includes but not limited to:

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© 2016 by Wilder Life Architects. 

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