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If your are seeking medical services pertaining to acute and or chronic conditions followed by your primary care physcian (PCP). This level of service is guided by a different process. This level services is guided by the Occupational Therapy scope of practice. This level  of service will be billed differently. Flow Therapy at this time is working on becoming an In Network provider for insurances. See Prices Page for more detail.

  1. Client to obtain a Perscription for Occupational Therapy Evaluation.

  2. Client will have evaluation completed and the evaulation will be sent to PCP for approval: The evaluation will include the findings of your therapist and the recommended frequency of treatments. Example:

  3. The evaluation will be faxed to your PCP for approval. Depending on the PCP your treatments will begin before or upon the consent of the PCP.


Whether your an elite athlete, just beginning your journey to fitness, looking to lose weight, and/or  looking to have a accountability partner during your journey to wellness, this service with assist you in that process. This service provides you with the confidence and compentence to take your life to the next level without positioning yourself for frustration and injury.  Too often people create avoidable injuries when working out on your own or being trained by persons without the knowledge of anatomy as a therapist does.. Let us get you there safely.You can either wait for the right moment or create the right moment!


  • Myofascial Release

  • VibroAcoustic Therapy Sessions

  • Corrective Functional mobility training

  • Yoga & Pilates based movements, postures, and exercises

  • Visualization accelerator techniques

  • Weight Loss Option** by BodyKey** Testimonial


Most all of the services that Flow Therapy LLC has to offer can be provided in a "Maintenance" format. The maintenance format is for those that have successfuly been through either the medical level of care, completed one on one Wellness care, or has been assessed as appropriate for the Maintenance program. Maintenance program typically will be in the Customized Intervention Classes in a Semi Private format depending on the number of people participating. Maintenance groups typically will be held in a centrally located location such as a park, the beach, gym or clinic depending on the group consensus. Depending on the clinics reason for being seen, a client can be a part of a maintenance program and still be seen in a Medical care level.

Example: If a client is being seen for and acute/chronic shoulder as prescribed by a PCP, thay can still be in a Floating Bliss or General Wellness Customized Intervention class.


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